Cefic published on May 2, 2022 a new version of SQAS 2022. In this version extra explanations are included regarding the chapters digitalization (core questionnaire) and greenhouse gases (specific questionnaires Transport, Cleaning and Warehousing). Besides, a new chapter has been included regarding storage of containers for companies that also fulfil a container depot function. The questionnaires can be downloaded at www.sqas.org and come into force on October 1, 2022.
Furthermore, the SQAS Distributor / ESAD questionnaires have been revised and alligned with the latest SQAS developments. The questionnaires have been extended with the requirements of the other SQAS modules such as Operation Clean Sweep (regarding plastic powders, pellets and flakes), digitalization as well as greenhouse gases. Additionally, changes have been made in the different modules (Food, Pharma & Cosmetics and Chlorinated Solvents) sin questions and guidances based on developments in GTDP principles and experiences in safe handling. Also these revisions will get into force as per October 1, 2022.